No applicant for the post of a Traffic Warden shall be entitled to payment of any expenses for appearing at any interview or for anything required to be done by him in connection with his application or appointment.
- Policy making, implementation of such policies for effective functioning of the different units of the Police Traffic Wardens Organization.
- To co-ordinate and maintain proper liaison with the Senior officials of the Police Department for effective implementation of the policies of the Traffic education, to disseminate road safety methods and rules to school children.
- To organise the Road Safety Patrol in all schools in the districts and to achieve the goals of traffic safety education from the middle school upto Higher Secondary Level.
- To afford necessary guideline and appropriate administrative infrastructure facilities to introduce Police traffic warden system throughout TamilNadu.
- To organise and maintain the police traffic warden system throughout TamilNadu on a uniform pattern, on the basis of, the system functioning in Madurai City.
- To form Traffic Planning cells at State level and Unit level in order to prepare projects for better traffic management in cities and major towns.
- To take steps to introduce computerisation on the organization for better analysis and effective functioning.
- To effectively enforce Motor Vehicle Act and rules in co-ordination with traffic police.
The objective of the organisation will be to:
- Conduct campaigns to inform the Public about the accident problems and the official programme; to encourage each citizen to accept his responsibility for his own and other's safety.
- Co-operate with the public Officially in the building up of a sound programme for accident prevention and traffic control, and to augment to Law enforcement activities of the traffic department with a view to prevent disregard of the highway code.
- To promote safety education for drivers, pedestrians and school children and to co-ordinate effort of interested agencies engaged in traffic safety education.
Every traffic warden after appointment, will be given a short course of traffic training. The traffic wardens are expected to come out and help the traffic police, whenever they are free. The traffic wardens are also expected to help the traffic police in the safety education programme, patrols and duties on special occassion, as and when their services are requisition on such occasion they will work under the guidance and direction of Traffic Police Officers in whose charge they are placed.